Category: Linux

Adventures with Shared Libraries on Linux

Shared libraries (The equivalent of a dynamic link library in Windows) are bits of code which sit outside of a program, and can be shared by multiple programs simultaneously. Unlike a static library, which...

Google Chrome for Linux — no longer beta

[shahada@pc-shahada ~]$ sudo apt-get install google-chrome-stable [sudo] password for shahada: Reading package lists… Done Building dependency tree Reading state information… Done The following packages were automatically installed and are no longer required: foomatic-db-gutenprint ijsgutenprint...

Work: How to Partially Migrate a PostgreSQL database

Work: How to Partially Migrate a PostgreSQL database

Assuming you have database on hostA and want to copy it to this host: Create the database on hostB sudo su – postgres “createuser –pwprompt –superuser –createdb newdba -h hostB” createdb -U newdba newdb...

VMWare: Resizing Windows XP’s C:

It’s a typical situation for most Linux users … you acquire a copy of VMWare, create a XP system for “testing purposes”. Since it’s only for testing, you only allocate 8GB of space for...