Monthly Archive: February 2013

FinishedWatching: The West Wing

Just finished watching the final episode of The West Wing.  I’ve covered 154 episodes in the last 5-6 weeks.Next up, going to watch something pretty much the opposite of the West Wing: “House of...

Fixing Problem with Fencing with IPMI-L

I noticed some errors with fencing on the cluster at client’s site. From the /var/log/messages: Feb 14 09:59:52 pdb01 fenced[4819]: fencing node “pdb-node2” Feb 14 09:59:52 pdb01 fenced[4819]: agent “fence_ipmilan” reports: Rebooting machine @...

My current desktop CPU dates back to July 2009

My current desktop CPU dates back to July 2009

My current desktop CPU dates back to July 2009. It’s still quite usable, but when running Oracle and multiple VMs, it would sometimes get bogged down due to limited memory. Since I had maxed...

Does it fit?

Does it fit?

So there I was … spending hours researching a PC upgrade, sorting out which CPU I wanted, reading almost every motherboard review to compare specs, deliberating between air vs water thermal cooling, checking the clearance...