UniFi — SyFy and Unversal IPTV Channels
The data corruption issue seems to be gone the last few days, downloads are back to normal, VPNs work, everything just works. Have spent the whole day remotely restructuring the office’s VPNs and stuff, and encountered no issues. Still wondering if it’s safe to disconnect my streamyx and phone line and depend totally on UniFi. A friend of mine had his UniFi go down on the eve of Raya, and was without TV, Telephone or Internet for a whole week, as TM didn’t have any engineers on standby to visit him (Case Id : 1-274542061). And this was the year he didn’t “balik kampung” too. TM really needs to buck up on their customer service if they want to make this a success …
Having said all that, TM has redeemed themselves a little in my eyes … for now anyway … why? They’ve just added SyFy to the list of IPTV channels.
Showing Galactica, Star Trek, Stargate … and all the science fiction stuff. This is the “world edition” of SyFi, so it’s not a direct feed of the US SyFi channel, and not the latest and greatest of shows, so I wonder how far behind it will be. Let’s see if Caprica season 1.5 (screening in the US in October) makes it here any time soon. Most die-hard sci-fi fans would have downloaded or bought the pirated DVDs already for the stuff they’re showing, but it’s a step in the right direction.
SyFi universal’s tv schedules are on the website here: http://www.syfyuniversal.asia/schedule and is on channel 161. You can read more about the channel on wikipedia here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Syfy_Universal_(Asia). It will cost you “5 points” per month to view this channel (you get 100 free points per month which can be spent on IPTV Live channels or Video on Demand).
There’s also a Unversal Channel at channel 160 … which has its schedule here: http://www.universalchannel.asia/schedule. You can read more about this channel on their wikipedia page here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Syfy_Universal_(Asia).
How did I discover this? LowYat.net forum again … no email, or mention on UniFi’s website. Either this is a soft launch … or they really need to get their marketing and promotions act going.

This post was originally published as a Facebook Note at 2010-09-17 00:34:15 +0800.