Alia: The Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Problem Solving Methodology

Daddy: (blocks Alia’s path)
Alia: “urrrrhhh…” (pushing daddy’s arm)
Daddy: “Oh no, the door is locked!”
Alia: “We need a key! Do you see a key?”
Alia: “Is this a key? No …”
Alia: “Is this a key? No …”
Alia: “Is this a key? Yes …”
Alia: (pretends a hairbrush is the key and unlocks daddy’s arm)
Daddy: grgrgrgrgrgrgrgrgrgrgr (raising arm)
Alia: The door is open! Great job, everybody!

btw … actually, it’s supposed to be “Method”. A “Methodology” is the Study of Methods.

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