A number of people (including me) are now seeing data corruption when transferring large files over TM’s UniFi.

See post #2003 in this thead:

Despite TCP/IP networks having error correction and all that, the data over UniFi seems to be messed up but with correct checksums! It’s not line interference or anything like that, but likely the network equipment itself that is messing things up.

What does this mean?

Well, files that download with no errors are possibly corrupted. Data that you view web page may not be actually what was sent. Bank balances or “amount to transfer” … *shudder*

Luckily we have no real telemedicine usage over UniFi yet.

Did the lowest bidder win the equipment supply tender?

This is seriously bad enough that I’m questioning using it for anything beyond “fun” right now. Certainly not for business or anything critical.

It’s like your water supply containing traces of poison or TNB intermittently providing 480V.

And if you’re thinking “It’s only Internet lah …” some of us are pretty much more dependent on Internet than you.

My entire work depends on it (yeah I’m potentially one of those poster childs in TM adverts). And now UniFi is making my TV viewing and telephone line dependent on it too.

I haven’t terminated my streamyx yet. Should I connect it back?
Or will this go way in the next day or two?

This post was originally published as a Facebook Note at 2010-09-06 04:47:20 +0800.

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